JUMP TOAuthenticationAuthenticationCreate or refresh an access tokenpostEndpointsExpensesApprove expensepostDecline expensepostRetrieve an individual expensegetCreate expensepostRetrieve all expensesgetTime OffRetrieve entitlements for individual engagementgetRetrieve entitlementsgetRetrieve public holidaysgetApprove requestpostUpload Time Off Request AttachmentpostReject requestpostRetrieve an individual requestgetCreate time off requestpostRetrieve all requestsgetContract ChangesCancel requestpostRetrieve an individual contract change requestgetCreate requestpostRetrieve all contract changesgetOffboardingAttach documents to a draft offboardingpostRequest cancellation for an initiated offboardingpostInitiate a draft offboardingpostReturns an offboardinggetCreate a draft resignation for a contractorpostCreate a draft termination for a contractorpostCreate a draft resignation for an employmentpostCreate a draft termination for an employmentpostReturns list of offboardingsgetCreate a draft termination for a payroll team memberpostReturns list of offboarding categoriesgetReturns list of offboarding pay typesgetBank AccountsDelete bank accountdeleteRetrieve Bank Account detailsgetUpdate bank accountpatchCreate bank accountpostRetrieve bank accountsgetPayrollRetrieve an individual payrollgetRetrieve all payrollgetPayroll ChangesCreate payroll changepostRetrieve all payroll changesgetDelete payroll changedeleteUpdate a payroll changepatchRetrieve a payroll changegetCompanyRetrieve company detailsgetDepartmentsRetrieve all departmentsgetEngagementsRetrieve an individual engagementgetRetrieve all engagementsgetOperationsRetrieve an operationgetWebhooksDelete a webhook endpointdeleteUpdate a webhook endpointpatchSend a test payload to a webhook endpointpostCreate a webhook endpointpostRetrieve all webhook endpointsgetPowered by Returns an offboardingget https://api.oysterhr.com/v1/offboardings/{id}This API endpoint allows you to retrieve an offboarding.